Plastic Surgery TJ
San Diego, CA

619-623-5658 (San Diego)
664-900-7435 (Tijuana)
664-204-7144 (Tijuana)

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Belly Flab? Nose like a beak, how about a few extra leg pounds, ears a bit on the large side, do your face need a pick-me-up? and your backside, does that need a bit of… re-shaping? Well you are in luck my friends, call the experts at Plastic Surgery TJ Serving Tijuana, Baja california, we can help you look like you, but only better.  We offer plastic surgery procedures which include, tummy tucks, facelifts, eyelids, nose reshaping, ear reduction, liposculpture and buttocks augmentation A better you, who knew… call one of our san Diego numbers right now!!!!

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